Wednesday 25 May 2016

Nelson Mandela


 finish his degree and was qualified as a lawyer
1944:helped form ANC youth league
1949:was instrumental in pushing the ANC into more direct action
1950:conducting their own defence they eventually proved to be victorious
1952: opened first black law firm
1993:was awarded the Noble peace prize
1994:was elected as the first state president of SOUTH AFRICA and was president untill 1999
Mandela associated with many educational programmessuch as Make Poverty History campaign

Turning points
whilst at uni became aware of the unjust nature of SOUTH AFRICAN society
1950: resigned from ANC and worked underground and was charged with treason
1960:sharpville massacre of 63 black SOUTH AFRICAN changed the whole political system ,the                 government banned the ANC
1962:been arrested and senteced to life
1990: was released from jail
Mandela lost his eldest son to HIV disease

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Eleanor Harding time line
Passionate about women issues and educator

1934: born 1934 on Erub Island in the Torres Strait
1956 :moved to Melbourne with family for better life
1960 :was involved in equal rights for indigenous Aust Comp
1967 :was a member of (FCAATSI)pushing for constitutional change resulting the Referendum
1970 :was an executive member of the NAIWC , travelled to Sydney and participated in a peaceful               protest highlighting the historic moment for indigenous Australians
1972: travelled to Canberra in support of The Aboriginal Tent Embassy
1978: joined the Victorian Department of Community Services ,worked principally with victims of               domestic violence
1983: joined with other and set up Margaret Tucker Hostel supporting the victims of domestic                       violence and homeless young Aboriginal women
1992: helped establish the Victorian Wongai Torres Strait Islander Corporation
1996: died and was buried on Erub Island  

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Fred Hollows Time Line

1929-born in New Zealand
1960-got a job in Australia
1965-Head of the Eye Department at Sydney Hospital
1970-Launched a national program to attack eye  diseases in Aboriginal Australians
1980- Traveled all over the the world to help set up health programms in developping countries
1989- cancer attaccked
1993-died surrounded by friends and family