Tuesday 24 May 2016

Eleanor Harding time line
Passionate about women issues and educator

1934: born 1934 on Erub Island in the Torres Strait
1956 :moved to Melbourne with family for better life
1960 :was involved in equal rights for indigenous Aust Comp
1967 :was a member of (FCAATSI)pushing for constitutional change resulting the Referendum
1970 :was an executive member of the NAIWC , travelled to Sydney and participated in a peaceful               protest highlighting the historic moment for indigenous Australians
1972: travelled to Canberra in support of The Aboriginal Tent Embassy
1978: joined the Victorian Department of Community Services ,worked principally with victims of               domestic violence
1983: joined with other and set up Margaret Tucker Hostel supporting the victims of domestic                       violence and homeless young Aboriginal women
1992: helped establish the Victorian Wongai Torres Strait Islander Corporation
1996: died and was buried on Erub Island  

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